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A flywheel plant energizes Pennsylvania

Re: Energy

Now this has got to the coolest use of old fashion technology: store energy in a high speed spinning wheel and convert the kinetic energy back to useful electric power to help balance the grid during peak usage. This is exactly what is being done at the 20 Megawatt flywheel plant in Hazleton, […]

Cars GiV their power back to the grid

Re: Energy

EVs that earn money while they’re parked. That makes fiscal sense. [MORE]


Earn even MORE money with the Sunny Day Power EV solar recharging station, AUTORACâ„¢. Even when you are driving your EV! your AUTORACâ„¢ will continue to generate clean power that will get pumped back into the grid; EV owners will […]

Six Largest U.S. Solar Projects Under Development


Came across this today. Very interesting: listing six of the largest solar projects currently under development in the U.S. [MORE]